TECs Membership Account

       Thank you for your interest in our initiative
  • Please complete the following if you would like to apply for Membership of TECs, (see terms on our website first).
  • You will have to complete all fields marked with (*)
  • You apply to become a TECs Member from £1, please indicate amount in the appropriate box.
  • If you are applying to register as an organisation/group, please enter its name in the appropriate box.
  • If you make a mistake and don't know how to change a field, PLEASE CONTACT US.
  • You can update your account information at any time using the link sent to you in all correspondence from TECs.
* indicates required
for Members only
only enter name if you are registering as an organisation/group
amount in numbers (no £ sign)
This will go into the Community Fund
TECs will update this field to confirm Membership
TECs will update this on receipt of payment
TECs will update this field, paid when over £5
TECs will update this field, total dividends paid
TECs will update this field, normally paid in April/May
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